Now that my second child is well on his way to toddler-hood, I finally feel like I'm getting back to myself. Thirteen months of nursing took it out of this old lady, and I am ready to shake off...
**This post has been sponsored by Cooper Fitness Center to bring you this experience!** As a year-round sport, tennis has many benefits to encourage you to pick up a racket. Tennis programming at Cooper Fitness Center encourages kids and teens...
Disclaimer :: This article is sponsored by OSIM to bring you details on special deals. Remember when you put your needs before others and did regular self-care? Yeah, we don't either. Though we wouldn't trade the world for our kiddos,...
This post has been sponsored by BabiesMD. All opinions are 100% our own. If you haven't noticed, telemedicine is where it's at these days. We have the technology, so let's use it! A local concierge pediatric service called BabiesMD just...
I may not be a PSL fan but I do love fall and winter. Yesterday my sister-in-law mentioned this concept to me and there are lots of ideas out there for the four walls around us. It also got...
This post has been sponsored by CareNow. All opinions are 100% our own! I was late to the game on urgent care, I admit. Don't let this happen to you! It's such a convenient option for those everyday issues that...
Bookmark this post. Make a mental note. If your child was born with a sense of adventure and isn't scared of anything, just know you can come back to this one. Brave, second, third, and fourth children who are...
With summer imminent, it’s time to make a plan for your family’s summer wellness. Products like sunscreen and insect repellent will be in high demand, but some harbor harmful ingredients. There are great, nontoxic options out there if you...
Ringing in the New Year last year, I felt incredibly hopeful. Hopeful that we could put the struggle of 2020 behind us, and that life would go back to normal. I felt the need to see people again. To...
We're giving away 6 FREE Dallas ZOO Tickets over at our Facebook Page! Comment on the status about the GIVEAWAY to win! So you're on the go w/the munchkins in-tow, running from one place to the next w/no time to...
It was the just like any other summer day.  I was about 10 weeks pregnant, taking my son Miles to the mall to meet a friend.  Then, I got the phone call from my Doctor stating that my numbers...
I remember a few years ago when my husband and I looked lustfully at the Peloton store in our local mall. The bike seemed so frivolous, so out of reach, and frankly silly at that point in time. Flash...

