Spring in Texas is my favorite season – the feeling of warm sunshine on my face, beautiful bluebonnets, tulips, and daffodils, and the feeling of renewal!  Spring in Texas also means RAIN and plenty of it at the most...
I wish I could say that I stumbled across Richardson Mercantile on my own but honestly I'm not that cool.  Luckily a friend of a friend, who IS super cool, filled me in on this GEM of a place.  Richardson Mercantile,...
#Shiplap. Chip and Joanna. HGTV. If those three things mean anything to you, then you might need to hop in your car and take a little trip down to Waco to check out Magnolia Market at the Silos. This is...
My ability to parent well (or not-so-well sometimes) is fueled by a heavy dose of caffeine. I make a pretty good cup of coffee at home (see my recipes for homemade coffee creamers post), but sometimes I just need...
I don't know about you, but I'm more than a bit overwhelmed by Social Media sites. Pinterest takes up way more of my time than I'd like to admit, but I feel like the benefits (meal and craft ideas alone)...
In our home, Valentine’s Day is about celebrating the love we have as a family, not just the romantic stuff. We've tried to create traditions that include our kids and other family members. Showering our family with love is...
Teacher gifts...ahh they stress me out! Especially since I usually don't think about them until the very last minute (Mom of the year right here!). So in order to not look like I don't care about the people that...
So, you’ve got a brand-new baby who is spending most of their time eating, filling their diaper, and sleeping...or not sleeping.  Some newborns are natural sleepers, while others struggle from the start. Regardless of how it starts, there are lots...
These creative projects are fun for kids of all ages. That means you may want to get in on the fun, too! You probably already have all or most of the supplies you'll need at home, which makes these...
You know those cute little monthly stickers that have become a staple at baby showers? You, soon to be mom, are probably super excited about them. Oh what fun it will be to take pictures every month to document...
Have you taken children under the age of 5 camping? While it can be loads of fun, it can also be a bit stressful if you're not prepared. And mealtime is included in that! But the more you can...
At the beginning of a 3 hour road trip, my 7 year old cried out, and I turned to see his nose gushing blood.  It was the nosebleed of the century, and it caught me totally unprepared.  I leapt...

