I am fascinated by communication systems and how children acquire language. It comes from hearing sounds and words repetitively from their parents. As I watch my children grow and learn, I'm always tickled when my son uses a new...
It happens to me every time I go out.  Here’s the scene. There’s me, mother of four, rushing through Target doling out goldfish and telling everyone to either, “Get back in the cart,” or “Put that back!” while promising...
Did you know there is something you can do to make sure your children don’t drop out of high school, go to jail, get pregnant at 15, use drugs, or live in poverty? Yes, you can pray. But, there’s something else. Ready...
It's the 4th of July and I've just gotta know: Are you a "Holiday Mom?" Not sure what I mean by a Holiday Mom? Well take this little diagnostic quiz to see if you qualify. 1) Is your outfit du jour (or what...
I have discovered six magic words that get my kids to help clean up around the house. It has been incredible, y'all. No more cleaning up for them or nagging them repeatedly to pick up after themselves. The amazing thing...
There’s this motivational quote meme, often attributed to Banksy, going around that goes something like this, “If you’re tired, learn to rest. Not to quit.” Every time I read it, I find it bothersome. Sure, resting instead of quitting...

Just Let It Go

I have a confession: Last Christmas I hosted the majority of our immediate family. All 18 of them. My sister and I worked for days to make a spread of which I am quite proud. And I served it...
My son has been 3 for less than a week but has already morphed into a miniature psychopath. And while I will probably go completely gray within a month, I have to admit that some of the tantrums are...
Parents of young children beware. By the age of 10, 12 at the latest, your child will need to have a smartphone. Or, at least she will think so. “All of the other kids have one,” she’ll argue. “If I can’t...
Originally published in April 2020, but these family dinner theme nights are EVERGREEN! Several weeks into social distancing, fun family ideas start to fizzle. After seeing animals in various zoos, assembling jigsaw puzzles, and trying to make daily schoolwork fun...
Spring is a magical time of year, isn't it? The Dallas Arboretum is in full bloom, the gloom of winter will have left Dallas, and oh yeah - Easter! And of course, we all know that Easter means C...
Just like that, summer is over and it’s time to get back into the rhythm of early mornings, packing lunches, homework, endless activities, and lest we forget—ARD meetings. If you're a special needs mama, this one is for you. ARD...

