Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with Advocare Independent Distributor Christina York as part of our "Shop Local. Support Moms" campaign and to provide more information on how Advocare can be beneficial to moms--both physically and financially.  You have most likely...
It happened at La Duni and involved one of the best desserts Dallas has to offer - the Cuatros Leches Cake. For the first year of her young life, I'd been strictly following the recommendations of what foods my little...
In Dallas, a women’s fitness options are endless. Big Box workout facilities. Fitness programs and centers. Circuit training. Group Classes. At-home dvd programs. But once you have a baby, it seems like all these options are instantly thrown out...
I was the hover mom. Actually, I was worse than a hover mom.  I was really more of a germaphobe, milestone maniac, with an added dose of prepare-for-every-possible-worst-case-scenario, hover mom. My firstborn never touched a surface that hadn't been pre-sanitized until...
There is nothing worse than waking up to the sound of your kid throwing up in their crib. And then screaming their head off for the next thirty minutes while they keep throwing up. We've all been there and it...
Early in my marriage, I got laid off. After I spent my fair share of time sulking, laying around watching Friends reruns and eating cartons of ice cream, I decided it was time to kick myself back in to...
Children are finicky. Today they like corn, tomorrow they don't. Today tomatoes are awesome, tomorrow tomatoes are gross. As parents, we're always doing a daily mental checklist of each food group. Vegetables can sometimes be trickier than the other food...
Before kids, I loved power yoga. Not Bikram or anything, but just some good, warm vinyasa flow. I did yoga all throughout my first pregnancy, but completely lost my mojo when I found myself pregnant with my second child...
What I Learned from the ER Last month was a doozy. It all started when my son, Russ (22 months),  seemed to be coming down with something. My husband, unlike most men, is quick to go to the doctor. So...
Everyone knows the best way to find a good, reliable doctor, dentist, babysitter, or whatever service you are looking for is to ask around. Once you start hearing the same name pop up, that's who you want to trust! That...
I knew I wanted to try something new for lunchtime last fall as my three year old started preschool. He’d always been a pretty good eater at home, but he’d often come back hungry from Mother’s Day Out after...
I love crazy.  Well, not really, but I do love to stay active (which can sometimes equate to crazy). I learned a long time ago that Isaac Newton was on to something when he introduced us to the Laws of...

