School Years

Topics related to parents and children in K-12th grade

Trying to get anywhere with kids is challenging. But add in the extra pressure of getting there by a specified time? Near impossible. Here are 3 no-fail tips to get your kids out the door on time, most of the...
The beginning of a new school year means getting to know a new teacher. And every year, I send an email to our teacher to outline what I want him or her to know about my kid. This year,...
Amazon Affiliate Links are used within this post. We appreciate your support! Do you know what today is? No? You should! May 26th is National Paper Airplane Day! Don’t worry, this celebration was not on my radar either, but we’re...
Have you heard?  TCA has a stunning new home. Their youngest learners to get the finest introduction to their education. Trinity Christian Academy opened its doors to a beautiful new Pre-K facility, August 2020. It is fully equipped with...
As a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, flexibility is key. I enjoy having the ability to go about my day without time restraints or restrictions on my availability. In an effort to get ahead of the holiday shopping rush, I decided to...
To save you all some time and energy, here is an alphabetized list of ideas to assist with planning of the centuplicate day.
Amazon Affiliate Links are used within this post. We appreciate your support! Encouraging kids to start their own business and become a kidpreneur is a fun way to boost creativity and confidence, while also providing priceless life experience. It also...
As my 12th school year as a public school teacher is coming to an end, I can honestly say that this year has been the most difficult yet. I love my job, I wholeheartedly do, but the 20-21 school...
This post has been sponsored by Camp Olympia. Camp is a longtime summer tradition for generations of families, but now more than ever children and young adults need summer camp. Two years of a global pandemic has led to increased...
My 3-year-old loves Play-Doh. She creates these epic adventures saving the world from all those creepy colorful Play-Doh monsters that she creates! No wonder there is a National Day to celebrate this amazing craft product that gives kids the...
Mindfulness has definitely become a buzzword in recent years. There are websites, books, classes, and apps galore on the topic. All geared towards helping you increase your awareness of the present moment and calmly recognize and accept your emotions,...
Motherhood is a series of starts and stops, of holding close and letting go. Certain milestones have a way of solidifying these truths in my heart as my children get older, and sending a child to kindergarten is certainly...

