School Years

Topics related to parents and children in K-12th grade

I was feeling more stressed out and anxious about in-person school than ever before. Adding to this, were the ever-changing school safety precautions. After a year of virtual learning, my brain was telling me to send my three girls...
But before your young adult sets off for college campus life, here are five skills that will make the transition from home much less stressful -- especially for moms!
Get some Vitamin D, connect with nature, and learn a little something while you're out there. Dallas has lots of nature preserves and trails, both in the city and just a short drive from home. Check before you go...
In all seriousness, homeschooling multiple children is something of a dramatic play. Well, at least in my mind it is. I'm sure most homeschooling mothers will agree they are perfectly capable of educating their children and tailoring the learning...
Teachers deserve all of our appreciation every day of the year. However, we have two specific opportunities coming up to show teachers some extra love. The first is National Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 2–6, 2022. The second...
This post has been sponsored by Epic Waters in Grand Prairie. All opinions are 100% our own! I always feel like Spring Break sneaks up on me. I never start thinking about it until right after Valentine's Day. And then...
Children protest.  It is their job.  Ours is to create safe and healthy boundaries for them to live within. When WE keep our limits, our children actually feel safer and more secure. When you put a new limit down, your...
Financial literacy is often overlooked in schools. As a homeschool mom I have made it a priority to fill that gap at home. Most money problems we face as adults could have potentially been avoided had we been given...
After four kids and 17 years of parenting, I’ve come to realize that the middle school years are the worst. Kids struggle dealing with the one-two punch of intense social and academic pressure. Exhibit A: my middle school daughter. School group...

