
Information about babies, baby gear, and having babies in Dallas.

My three children have a baby big sister. If that is hard for you to comprehend, imagine the dilemma of having to explain it to my three under three.  Before I had my twin boys, and my second daughter, I...
People often ask me when I started blogging and surprisingly, I can remember it like it was yesterday.  I was a new mom and decided to venture out to Central Market for some light grocery shopping.  I had my...
My last baby turns a year old on Thursday. A quick calculation tells me that of the last 81 months, I have been pregnant or nursing for all but 15. I am still near the starting line of this...
psst. We've got some awesome giveaways going on right now on our Facebook Page. Click here to see our current giveaways (like tickets to the Arboretum, gift cards to consignment sales, and more!) and enter to win, it's easy-peasy!  I didn't give much...
Once you hit the "mom of young kids" stage of life, it seems like you're constantly being invited to baby showers. I remember the same thing happening when everyone I knew got married at the same time, and we...
This post has been sponsored by myKIDSdds to provide more information about a very common dental problem among children. We hope this guest post provides helpful answers for our readers!  I am writing this for any mother who really wants...
My daughter turned one just a few months ago. When I look back over the past year to reflect and recap, there are a few things that come to mind as a new mom that I think we can...
One of my most treasured possessions is the old-school photo album that is my baby book. Full of photos, mementos, and other special remembrances, it’s one of the things I would grab if my house caught on fire, along...
We were licensed on a Wednesday afternoon and by Friday night we got the call. A baby boy needed a home, but baby had multiple siblings. "I know you said your preference was one child under two, but would...
Pregnancy kicked my butt. I barfed approximately 30 times a day for 18 weeks. My face flared up like I was 15 again. I even sprouted a chin hair. I know...vomit. However, the second time around, I was also lucky enough...
UPDATE: This business has permanently closed. The contributors of Dallas Moms are quickly discovering that Kidville in Dallas is becoming our One-Stop Shop for all of our kids' entertainment needs. From their award-winning hair salon to their incredible classes. We...
We're all moms here, right? And for moms, there's nothing quite like talk of diapers and poopy to chill our hearts, sadden them occasionally, or bring us to new heights of joy when we're finally done with them. As...

