School Years

Topics related to parents and children in K-12th grade

Middle School is tricky in a normal year, and the added stress of starting in the middle of a global pandemic has altered our expectations of what this school year will bring. Middle school is typically 7th and 8th...
I was shocked when I recently listened to this Gretchen Rubin podcast and heard that most families don’t discuss how to pay for their children’s education until the spring of their child's senior year of high school. I can’t...
This post has been sponsored by Camp Huawni. All opinions are 100% our own. To be transparent, I had never heard of Camp Huawni before last summer. I knew of the “popular” camps with five-year-long waitlists and varius local summer...
COVID has us reevaluating a lot in our lives, and school is no exception. Many are embarking on homeschooling adventures for the first time, rather than dealing with the uncertainty of a classroom. We've designated this spot for collecting...
It’s Graduation Party time, and if you're active on social media your feed is filled with heartwarming cap and gown photos of beaming grads and parents.  My own children are just a few years away from this milestone. In the...
It's a funny thing, your kids growing up. People tell you from the start how fast it goes. But when your two-week-old is screaming and won't sleep through the night, you aren't really thinking about sending them to school someday....
COVID-19 has changed everything and everyone. School is canceled. Parents are now teachers. Teachers work from home. And millions of children are adjusting to life without school. Like many other families, my child receives speech therapy services at school. Now...
The holiday season is over, “…and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again”.  For our family and many others, school looks a lot different these days.  Rather than dropping my daughter off in a carpool...
As moms, we want what’s best for our kids all the time. When we can’t be with them, we want to make sure they are receiving the best possible care from the most qualified caregivers. If you’re in need...
Disclaimer :: This article contains sponsored content provided by Our Redeemer Lutheran School. When considering private school in Dallas, you'll notice that many of the local private schools have a religious affiliation. So, what does that mean? What can you...
Chances are, if you have chosen to go the virtual learning route for the Fall 2020 school year, you've thoughtfully planned it out, and possibly even stocked up on some adult beverages to help ensure your sanity is in...
We love books, and my husband and I love reading with our children and listening to them read to us now that they're old enough. We have lots of books but there are a few that are really popular...

