School Years

Topics related to parents and children in K-12th grade

If you can get over the sneeze factor (Hello, high pollen alerts every day!), now is the perfect time to take in the natural beauty of North Texas. The wildflowers are blooming, the sun is shining (mostly), and it’s...
With a house full of five kids whose ages range anywhere from 1 year to 14 years, we have a LOT of different dynamics in our home. Throw in the fact that our 14 and 12 year olds are...
I don't know about you, but I seem to get into a rut when packing my kids' lunches for preschool. I end up sending the same things every day- sandwich, Goldfish, fruit. Does this sound familiar? Sometimes I find...
The kids are back to school! Those little ravenous rascals have been eating you out of house and home all summer long. It’s finally time to take a break from being snack monitor 24/7. Well don’t close the fridge...
Reading is such an important part of our lives that once you hear the words dyslexia or reading disability, you might start to worry. Will your child be okay? Will he or she still be able to learn how to read?...
The Texas Education Agency has officially released its recommended guidelines on July 7, 2020 that school districts will use to plan for the 2020-2021 school year during the coronavirus pandemic. It is recommended that after-school providers and other programs...
Last week, my son started preschool. It wasn't something that we prepared for, and honestly, it was a last-minute decision brought on by circumstances beyond my control. I never imagined that I would send my almost-two-year-old to school this...
Summer activities in 2021 will feel a little different than they did in 2020. After a successful summer camp season in 2020 at Cooper Fitness Center, our goal is to meet the campers where they are to grow emotionally...
As youngsters return to school, it’s common to have butterflies, or even bats in their tummies. Stress can have adverse effects on children’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and as parents we may not notice right away.  New places and changes in...




Save the Date :: May Kid-Friendly Events in Dallas

Looking for fun things to do with kids this May? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly May events in Dallas.