Ages + Stages

Topics related to all the ages and stages of childhood

The holiday season is over, “…and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again”.  For our family and many others, school looks a lot different these days.  Rather than dropping my daughter off in a carpool...
“You’re going to Europe and taking the kid with you? …Why?” “You guys are, like, crazy!” “She won’t remember a trip until she’s older.” These are some of the reactions we got when we said we were going to Europe and bringing...
One of my favorite things we've done for my toddler is giving him daily independent play time. Did you know independent play is important?  I had no idea that my kids need to play alone!  We affectionately refer to...
I believe the time is approaching to start potty learning with my son. He turned two in October. At about that time, his female playmates began wearing big kid underwear instead of diapers. One by one, they are completely...

Are We There Yet?

Congratulations Vanessa Gray for winning the giveaway from Legacy Photo Impressions! We recently packed up our baby, dog, half of the house, and traveled across the south to Dauphin Island, Alabama for a beach vacation. We enjoyed 5 relaxing days...
Returning to work already? Chances are you just got comfortable with your daily routine with your little one when you realize it’s time to return to work and learn an entirely different schedule. The emotions involved with going back to...
In all seriousness, homeschooling multiple children is something of a dramatic play. Well, at least in my mind it is. I'm sure most homeschooling mothers will agree they are perfectly capable of educating their children and tailoring the learning...
This post has been sponsored by Medical City Children's Urgent Care in order to bring you one mom's (real-life) experience with their care centers, and why Medical City Urgent Care should be your "go-to" if you find yourself in...
I am a proud working mom – emphasis on the word proud. As a single mom for five years, I developed my teaching career, thinking one day I would find “The One” and have the luxury to settle down...
  It is so important to know and be able to recognize the signs of predatory grooming of children.  This is a pretty heavy piece for me. I think I will just get right into it and take you through...
As a fairly new mom, I'm quickly discovering how difficult it is for our children to be unique at a young age without spending an arm and a leg on designer brands. I can't tell you how many times I've...
For many, the privilege of becoming a parent is without challenge or hardships, but what do couples do when you reach a roadblock on their journey to having children? In 2002, 7.3 million people were affected by infertility in the...

