Three Ways the New Breed of Homeschooling Moms Will Surprise You (Hint: She Doesn’t Own a Denim Jumper!)


Denim jumpers. Fourteen children crammed in a fifteen-passenger van. Colorful letters-of-the-alphabet signs doubling as home decor…

This is what I thought the homeschooling mother was all about.

That is until I became one. 

I didn’t own one…or know where to buy one. Thank goodness the old stereotypes of homeschooling moms have been replaced!

I had read other posts about how great homeschooling is…but I still thought those women were a little unconventional if not a tad “off.”  (No offense, Kelly.)

Now, I’m quite convinced that, as a homeschooling mom, I am part of an elite club—a new breed of so-called un-schooling mothers—that may be able to take over the world.

Not that we intend to. At least I don’t…at least not this week…I have laundry to do…

Joking aside, it struck me today when I listened to a local radio DJ throw out his morning trivia question to a listener who—on the spot—won a nice cash prize simply by knowing the answer. In an era where many Americans struggle to remember the name of the Vice President and would be hard pressed to dissect a sentence, this woman confidently answered a reasonably difficult American history question and then made this statement:

“I’m a homeschool mom. I’d better know that one.”

I was scared…but once I got over my fear, I realized how freeing homeschool could be for me and my children!

Real Talk

Hear’s the truth: I graduated from both college and graduate school with honors. And yet, I don’t think I have ever learned more in my adult life than I have during my past six months of homeschooling.

It amazes me. I was so frightened to take my children out of a traditional school setting. I was worried that I would not be able to teach them. I’m not a teacher by nature. (In fact, after just one hour of teaching the children’s class at church, I usually need comfort foods and a three-hour nap. Truth.)

What if I fail? What if I bring them home and they won’t listen to me? Then they won’t learn anything. They’ll never get into college…they’ll still live under our roof when they are twenty-seven because they can’t get a job. What if????

Concern. Panic. Sheer terror.

These were just a few of the emotions I experienced as I considered the homeschooling option.

A good friend told me that I’d love it. “You’ll learn a lot,” she said. As if that was supposed to be encouraging. Learning?  Uh, I served my hard time on that front. Did I really want to learn more? Would I enjoy it?

The answer is YES.

And now that I’m in the club, I realize how utterly and completely wrong my stereotype of the homeschool mom really was. Want to know the truth about the new breed of homeschooling moms? They are pretty amazing, actually.

Homeschooling moms know that doing math on a sandy beach sure beats doing pages in a workbook!!

Here are three traits that completely surprised me:

1. Homeschool moms are smart.

Most of the women I’ve met in my new homeschool circles are interesting, thoughtful, and great to talk to because they are grounded by solid convictions and well-read. That doesn’t mean you have to be a brainiac to homeschool. It’s worth emphasizing that a lot of homeschool moms are extremely sharp because they are lifelong learners who actively learn alongside their children.

This is so opposite of the stereotypes I had accepted. Contrary to what anti-homeschool propaganda tried to make me believe, the homeschooling mom is anything but simple. She’s a master of many subjects. Her math skills may be unmatched, and her knowledge of history and geography and other subjects (the facts you memorize to make it through the test and then forget forever…), well, she knows all that stuff, too!

In fact, I’m thinking about trying out for Jeopardy!

But here’s the other thing I’ve learned about homeschooling mommas: They don’t often feel brilliant. They have worries, fears, and doubts about their children’s education just like every mom. Which leads me to point number two…

2. Homeschool moms are courageous.

Moms who decide to take on their children’s schooling have some kind of guts. Insane amounts of courage, in many cases. Don’t underestimate the strength it takes to break free from a conventional and universally accepted system and say, “Hey, I think I’m going to try this a different way.” Just telling people that you’ve made the decision to homeschool often requires Teflon-coated skin.

I don’t think I was born with that kind of courage. But when the time came for me to seriously consider the homeschooling option—I found it.

My situation was bad.

My son was getting perfect grades, had excellent behavior at school, and was by all accounts one of his (very warm and caring) teacher’s favorites. He was at a great elementary school just eight blocks from our house. 

Wait…that doesn’t sound bad at all? The truth is, it all looked good on the outside, but he wasn’t happy. 

His teacher did express one concern: He was unmotivated to do anything extra beyond his normal workload. I believed her because at home my once inquisitive child—who had transcribed every name from the 200-page Star Wars encyclopedia at age 4—only wanted to play video games. He rejected any additional learning. Though he was a great reader, he complained about it. He was tired. He had developed some nervous habits. He started telling me his belly hurt every morning and every night before bed…

He had changed, and I missed my happy, curious, easy-to-get along with son.

But, I was so scared. Homeschooling? There has to be another option…Could I do it? Would I hate it? Would they hate it?

Then I saw all the proof I needed. A homeschooling mom I knew who was more likely to own a pair of Miss Me jeans than a denim jumper invited us to a play date at the park.  It was a Tuesday morning, and her elementary-aged boys would run, jump, and climb on the playground’s equipment, then do this amazing thing: They’d sit down and read for a few minutes before heading back out for another game.

They were happy. They seemed relaxed. They were playing and acting like children.

I was amazed. I wanted that for my children too.

Which leads me to point three…

3. Homeschool moms are NOT backwards.

In fact, I’d say homeschool moms are some of the most forward-thinking people I’ve ever met because they are thinking about their children’s future all of the time

This isn’t to say other moms aren’t always thinking about what lies ahead for their children; rather to say that the archaic stereotype of the socially-stunted homeschooling family just isn’t a reality. 

People choose to homeschool in order to have the freedom to allow their children to pursue their dreams (like the large number of Olympic athletes who are homeschooled). I’d argue that it’s the progressive thinker who desires to give her children the liberty to work at their own pace instead of being limited to learning at the same pace as their peers. Homeschooled children can sometimes have even greater opportunities in the areas of athletics, the arts, and business simply because they are able to spend more time pursuing their passions. If you haven’t watched the “Hack School” TedX Talk yet, check it out.

scared to try homeschool
The chance to ride a bike in a princess dress in the middle of the day…this is what homeschooling means to us.

Homeschool moms are not confined to one-size-fits-all systems that say school must be done a certain way. Instead, they are free to experiment with curricula to match learning styles and add programs and activities that meet their children’s special needs and fit their unique personalities. There’s nothing backwards about taking on the responsibility of specially designing your children’s entire education around their gifts, skills, and abilities.   The program we use called Classical Conversations is a completely different education style and philosophy…but it’s been fantastic for my children and the way they like to learn.

Homeschooling is not what it used to be.

I never really thought I’d be a homeschool mom. But now I wouldn’t change it for anything!


  1. I appreciated the article! As a homeschool alumni, I often love to see the changes that have happened. Yes, there were some brave souls when it was starting. But the changes have been really great. I wish sometimes some of the “old timers” would stop seeing the changes as a put down, and instead realize that this is part of progress. No, we don’t agree with everything that everyone does.
    Yes, everyone wore denim jumpers in the ’90’s and it was in style. That was not just a homeschool thing, but they just hung onto it a bit too long. Yes, they were really comfortable! I am sure the ones that come after us will have something to make fun of about clothing choices as well.

    I have been homeschooling for 12 years now. I was homeschooled my entire life as well. I am so thankful for all the things that I have available now. Change can be a good thing!

  2. i appreciate that you are trying to dispel the myth that homeschooled = socially awkward. The homeschool movement has exploded. People homeschool for 1000 reasons. With the growing popularity of homeschooling, there is also greater acceptance of the concept of homeschooling. Today, we also have the added benefit of a large and diverse homeschooling community. This community brings with it a vast array of options and activities that were not previously available to homeschool families. Please focus on what is out there now rather than spend a good potion of your post furthering a pervasively negative stereotype about those who homeschooled before you. Those folks made it legal for the rest of us and paved the way for all the options we have today. And as far as jumpers go, well, they were actually popular in the 80’s and 90’s. You could buy one at Macy’s or Nordstrom’s or just about any retailer. I hope we are better than to judge folks by what they wear at a given time period in their life.

  3. I homeschooled for over 9 years starting in the late 90’s. I “invented” spelling word go fish for on the go fun along with lots of other games. Necessity is the mother of invention.

    My biggest obstacle was when others asked me about socializing. I would calmly ask them if their coworkers were all the same age and education level. I knew the answer would always be no. I would then explain that my children, 4 of them, knew how to be around people of all ages…etc. Most people had nothing else to say on the matter.
    I found the experience so rewarding and there was a closeness with us that so many families lack.
    Best decision i ever made!!!

  4. Well… I am a homeschool mom, and I fit the “new” mold you’ve described – graduated from college, multiple honors, etc. However, I was also homeschooled myself back in those “olden days”, and I can tell you right now most of those moms were the same stock of women as homeschool moms today. Beyond brave, forward thinkers, courageous women – imagine homeschooling when almost no one has even HEARD of it? That’s what my parents did. I’ll let you in on something: they wore denim jumpers because that is what was actually in style. Hard to believe, I know, but public school, private school, and homeschool moms all wore them. Denim jumpers were the mom uniform of the times. Kind of like the yoga pants of today – all moms wear them, not just homeschoolers. lol. One other note – unschooling is a branch of homeschooling – not all homeschoolers are unschoolers or even remotely close. Classical Conversations is practically the antithesis to unschooling.

  5. I had a denim jumper back in my semi-hippie-chick days long before I became a parent. That was back in the late ’80 when I know few homeschoolers, but the ones I did know I found intriguing. The more I learned about the “movement” (if that’s what it was then) the more impressed I became with these parents’ commitment to education. There was no internet back then and curriculum options were limited at best. I really appreciate the efforts of those trailblazers, some denim-clad, some not for making the process smooth for me when I became a homeschooling parent.
    And if you’re a denim-jumper wearing homeschooling mom, that’s your business. I won’t judge you for that if you don’t judge my tank top and shorts! (Though these flabby thighs should probably be hidden under a long jumper!) 🙂

  6. Loved this article. I get that you were celebrating diversity in the homeschool community, not bashing anyone. I have homeschooled for 13 years and I’m proud to see the growth and change in our homeschooling community. The old timers should too. They also should recognize that without God’s protection and direction, they wouldn’t have succeeded. Keep up your good work and encouragement!

  7. Reading this post brought back so many memories. I homeschooled both of my kids, they are now grown. I began down the road of all that you described…and even had a friend BUY ME a denim jumper for my birthday one year. But, as I began to see the stereotype that was in that “culture”, I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t fit, as much as I tried. My husband said he didn’t like denim jumpers. And I didn’t like the fruit I saw in the children as they grew up. So, we pulled away, and did much on our own. We didn’t look like the the typical homeschool family back then. We just looked like…us!

    We are not meant to be cookie cutter people, as much as we can try to think that our way of doing things is the “right” way. Sadly, I was often cut off by women who thought that way. If homeschooling has changed as much as you say it has, that is wonderful! Keep praying for how God wants you as a family to be. The women in my generation were sincere and wanted good things for their families. The same goes for this generation. If someone were to ask me for my advice, the first thing I would say would be to seek God first before you buy in to any way of thinking. He is the only One we are to measure ourselves by.

    God bless!

  8. I do want to also add a caution for you: Every generation thinks their way is better than the generation before them, but we need to remember that there is “nothing new under the sun.” The generation before me paved the way so that I could homeschool my kids with minimal resistance. My generation paved the way so that you can homeschool with freedom today. It’s important to see all the good in the past generations as well as what we perceive to be negative. We all do what we think is best with the knowledge we have. Do what you feel called to do in humility. Even though I didnt fit much of what I saw back then, I did glean much wisdom from women who were a part of that movement. I am grateful for all of them in some way.

  9. Homeschooling never WAS what “Homeschooling used to be”. Even if you did have enough kids to need a 15 passenger van (Wow that van was great!). The only people who thought it was that, are people who never got close enough to really see it.

    The wisest thing my sister (who homeschooled with her seven kids some 3-4 years before I did with my seven kids), ever said to me is this:

    There is no point bringing the kids home from school if you are going to bring the entire school with them.

    This bit of wisdom gave me the courage to throw away many of the expectations of having to recreate a classroom in my home, and just find ways to teach my kids instead.

  10. I’m beginning my 20th year of homeschooling. I’ve unschooled them all and have graduated five so far with three left to go. Two of them are college graduates and the other three are currenting attending a university. I have to say I’ve been a crunchy, unconventional homeschool mom since you were probably still toddling around. Don’t discount the wisdom of those who have gone before you. As my adult children can attest, they had an awesome, carefree childhood, regardless if their mom owned a denim jumper or not.


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