The “Best” Dad :: Which Dad Type Is Yours?


Young boy is sitting on his father's shoulders.

Every Father’s Day my social media feeds are filled with post after post from women claiming their husband is “the best dad ever.” It always makes me laugh a little and part of me is tempted to pen my own post declaring my husband “an okay dad.”

It’s not true, of course, he is the best dad for our kids and our family.

Why do all these women declare their husbands the best dad every year? Part of it is probably the hyperbolic nature of social media, but more than that, we are recognizing the very best in our husbands. They each have a unique set of traits and talents that really do make them the best. Reflecting on the many amazing dads I know, most of them fall into one (or more!) of these categories.

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The Sports Fan Dad

This dad lives for sports and passes on his love to his kids. He has a favorite team in every sport, but he’ll watch a game even if his team isn’t playing. He teaches his kids all the rules, exceptions, and subtleties of the game. He can quote sports movies and stats from every era.

The Coach Dad

This dad also loves sports but isn’t happy watching from the sidelines. He volunteered to coach the pre-k team and hasn’t stopped since. He knows the games, knows how to talk to the kids, and stays up late planning the perfect drill for next week’s practice.

This dad can’t help but jump in at every coaching opportunity and loves to impart his knowledge on his kids and their friends.

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The Chef Dad

This dad knows his way around the kitchen. He meal plans, shops, and cooks. He might whip up a batch of chocolate cookies, or man the grill on a Saturday afternoon.

His love is in his food, and everyone appreciates the meals he makes.

The Chauffeur Dad

This dad loves driving the kids to school, to practice, to games, and to their friends’ houses. He knows his city like the back of his hand.

He has a playlist ready to go and is up for the task whenever someone needs a ride.

The School Volunteer Dad

This dad is directing traffic before school. He’s manning stations at field day. The teachers and students all know him.

He knows the upcoming school activities and is ready to lend a hand.

The Silly Dad

This dad is always in the middle of the party. The kids love him, and he loves making them laugh.

He’s the scary monster, the one telling jokes, the one whose imagination is still just as strong as the little ones’.

silly dad with oranges on his eyesThe Outdoorsy Dad

This dad is the den leader at Scouts. He can pitch a tent in record time. He is always ready for a hike, a fishing trip, or an afternoon at the park. His car is always equipped with sunblock, bug spray, and a pocketknife.

There are so many ways to be a great dad. I’m lucky to have always had great examples in my life. To all the best dads out there, I hope you have a happy Father’s Day and know how much you are loved and appreciated!



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