Strawberries & Cream Trifle: A Quick & Tasty Summer Dessert


Strawberries. One of my favorite foods of the summer! Oddly enough, I’m not a big fan of eating them plain. They’re just a little too sour for me, but douse them in sugar and let them sit, or use them in a yummy dessert and I’ll say “Yes please!” any day of the week.

This past Memorial Day weekend, we’d had my husband’s whole family over to celebrate the holiday, and I was given the relatively easy task of hosting (aka cleaning my house) and being in charge of dessert. I get to still use the “I have a newborn” pass when it comes to cooking. And to make my life as stress-free as possible, I pulled out one of my favorite strawberry dessert recipes and thought I’d share it with you! 


Strawberry Recipe1 Ingredients You’ll Need:

 – 1 cup milk

– 1 cup sour cream

– 1 package (3.4 oz) of vanilla instant pudding mix

– Angel Food Cake (store bought is fine!)

– 4 cups sliced strawberries (FRESH, not frozen)

– 2 cups heavy whipping cream, whipped (or cheat and use Cool Whip)

– Sherry

– Walnuts (optional)


Now, are you ready for this? 

In a mixer or large bowl, beat the milk, sour cream, and pudding mix on low speed until thickened. Fold in the whipped cream.

Tear (or cute) the angel food cake into 1 inch pieces. Place half the cake cubes into the bottom of your Trifle dish. Scoop a third of the strawberries on top of the angel food cake; filling gaps along the sides as well. Drizzle with sherry.Top with half the pudding/whipped cream mixture.

Repeat layers– half the cake cubes, a third of the strawberries, drizzle with sherry, and top with pudding/whipped cream mixture.

On top, arrange remaining strawberries evenly and sprinkle with walnuts.

To serve chilled, refrigerate up to 2 hours before serving, then enjoy!

Strawberry Recipe2

That’s it! 

It’s that simple and so easy to throw together. 

Do you have a favorite strawberry dessert?


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Krystal is a Dallas-native who began her career as a fourth grade teacher in Richardson RISD, but quickly changed paths to became a stay-at-home mom in 2011. Through a happy coincidence, she stumbled upon (what was then known as) Dallas Moms Blog in 2012 and found a community she’d been looking for since coming a mom. Shortly after joining the team, she gratefully accepted the “baton” passed to her as new owner of the site, and took off with it running full speed! Krystal not only helped to grow Dallas Moms into a large parenting resource, but also launched Collin County Moms in 2016; providing those in the north Dallas suburbs their community resource platform. While building a community, uniting the moms, and growing a business around this passion was a dream come true, after almost 10 years, Krystal officially stepped down as owner, and is now focusing on raising her 4 boys with her husband, Tim, and rediscovering old hobbies.


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