My three year old is starting preschool for the first time. He's ready. I'm not sure I am. The trickest part of all of this: The Backpack. The very bag that my little one packs full of snacks and his...
I'm sure y'all are about a thousand steps ahead of me on this one - but, just in case you're not, did you hear that Pinterest is now open to the public?!   Anyone and everyone can now join! ...
Today my five year old son and I will go to a kindergarten readiness meeting. They will ask him some questions about shapes, letters, and colors and then we'll be on our way. But, I'm a little upset that...
As Kelsey and her husband Derek eagerly await the birth of their first child in September, she's been busy decorating the nursery from scratch. With a little help from family (and some HGTV inspiration), their son will arrive in...
Okay ladies, lets's get personal for a minute. Once you have a baby (or two or three) things change. Wheather you gained 5 pounds or 50 pounds during pregnancy everything, does not go back to the way it was....
T-Minus 17 days and counting! That's right! Summer has almost ended, and school is getting ready to begin! For some of you, this might be routine by now, and you're an expert at all things back-to-school. For others, this might be...
Oh my gosh! Did you see that woman nursing her almost 2 year old??? Oh wait, that was me. Truth be told, I never intended for it to be this way. Don't get me wrong: I had always planned on breastfeeding...

Learning to Read, Part 2

Alright, you've gone through the check list on my Is Your Child Ready to Read post and you think your child is ready. Yay! Well, here are a few things you need to help you start teaching your child...
As of yesterday, 298 cases of West Nile Virus had been reported in North Texas.  In Dallas County, 130 cases have been documented and 8 have resulted in death.  Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) has been spraying...
Or maybe a T-ball, gymnastics, karate, or ice-skating Mom? Has the olympics got you thinking that you are already way behind with your kids?!? If your children are approaching the age of 3, chances are you have thought about...
Maybe you've noticed the Facebook pictures of all your friend's car dashboards with the temperature display, or maybe you've seen the Tweets with the forecast for the week, or maybe you've just walked out your front door in the...
I like to consider myself pretty "up" on all things healthy.  I'm a fitness instructor, and I have taken continuing education courses in nutrition and diet.  Aside from that, I've been on diets of every variety since I was...

