If ever I thought I was emotional during my 1st pregnancy, I was in for a world of surprise with my 2nd (& twin) pregnancy! For better or for worse, I'm usually not an overly emotional person.  I'm not someone...
My husband and I like to pretend we are foodies.  We obsess over food blogs, 75% of the TV shows we watch are about food, and prefer to dine local.  Back in the pre baby days, we like to...
I love my neighborhood. No, that’s an understatement. I simply adore it. I always seem to be bragging about my sweet neighbors, the fun monthly happy hours, and our informative Prestonwood neighborhood Facebook page.  I think my neighborhood is...
I work out of the home full time, so I am constantly trying to find ways to make the most of the time I am able to spend with my kids. I have recently seen a lot of comments...
Updated: April 2023 The Scarborough Renaissance Festival is a short jaunt down I-35, just outside Waxahachie. It runs every weekend from early April through Memorial Day. My family makes a trip to the festival every year, and I thought I'd...
If you LOVE consignment sales as much as we do (name brand prices for less?  Yes please!), then you definitely want to hear about Growing Growing Gone! They are DFW's newest consignment event held at the Grapevine Convention Center, and we...
You may have noticed some changes going on at the 3rd Floor of Galleria Dallas. First, the random yellow leopard was removed from near the Taco Bell. Then, an apology sign appeared. Most of the time an apology sign might make moms...
As a fairly new mom, I'm quickly discovering how difficult it is for our children to be unique at a young age without spending an arm and a leg on designer brands. I can't tell you how many times I've...
I wake up starving every day. If I don't eat fairly quickly, I get grumpy. Three days of the week, I get up at 5am to teach a Megaformer Pilates class in Plano, a high-energy, high-enthusiasm job that doesn't...
When I was a kid, my mom used to pull over on the side of the highway to take pictures of me and my brother in fields of bluebonnets.  I can remember cars whizzing by as my mom would...
I live in a quiet north east Dallas neighborhood. Kids walk to school in the mornings and play in front yards in the afternoon. Neighbors all know each other and on my block, pull chairs into each others front...
Couture and vintage doesn't have to just stay in your closet! Mommies are often looking for that perfect, timeless outfit for those truly special occasions like baptisms or first birthdays, and beautiful Pixie Lily tiny couture clothing is just for...

