…and Baby Makes 3


I still remember the last meal I ate with Husband before we became first time parents:

       The place: Maggiano’s Little Italy at

       The meal: lasagna with their delectable
tiramisu to finish off the meal; and

       The time: the evening before my

My most vivid memories of that evening [other than the tiramisu], however, are the feelings of excitement for the next stage of our life [rapidly approaching!] combined with wanting to enjoy the last evening with just US.

Turns out I was right to try to cherish that moment, because as our family has grown the time Husband and I have had alone has definitely disappeared decreased.

What I’ve come to realize, however, is that with a little flexibility and planning, Husband and I can have fantastic dates that INCLUDES baby. After all, not having family nearby or a trustworthy babysitter makes time alone hard to come by. And if you happen to be a somewhat overprotective mama like me who doesn’t trust anyone with her little bundle of joy, dates that include baby are a necessity.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Your Date MUST be during the day.  If you’re even thinking about attempting a night date with your beloved baby in tow, just think of a nice candlelit dinner where you’re serenaded by a screaming baby reading for bed instead of a live jazz band. Not. Good. If you can plan the date to coincide with at least part of baby’s naptime – even better!

2. Your baby still needs to be a baby.  Say what? This basically means that taking toddlers out is a not so great idea.  I specifically remember watching a movie with our oldest, after she’d begun walking, at one of the Angelika’s now-defunct Saturday Mommy Matinees. Rather, I remember Husband and I taking turns watching the movie while the other let her run up and down the hallway to the theater entrance. She wanted NO part of napping, nursing, snacking, nor sitting on my lap. The lesson we learned? Once your baby is fully mobile it’s best to try let go find a sitter or use Adventure Kids [our go-to drop-in childcare center].

3. Young babies LIKE movies.  Okay, maybe they don’t like movies…but they sure don’t mind them! There have been plenty of times Husband and I would pick a somewhat sedate movie [except that time we went and saw Munich – for the record exploding bombs startle babies, even at the Crybaby Matinee!], I would sit down and nurse, and she’d be off in dreamland the entire movie. For the record, I also asked our pediatrician and she said that seeing a regular movie [NOT an Imax and nothing with loud explosive scenes] would be just fine for baby’s little ears.

4. Get artsy! Babies love strollers AND being worn, and either of these works great if you decide to take a date at one of Dallas’ many museums. The Meadows at SMU is an amazing art gallery, the DMA is downtown, and the Kimball in Ft. Worth has free admission to their regular exhibit everyday [although it IS a drive].

There are many different ways to get out with your spouse even AFTER your bundle of joy has arrived.  No matter how you do it or what it looks like, it can still be fun, enjoyable, and most importantly a much-needed special time for you and YOUR Husband.

Now…pack up that baby and start planning a date!





  1. My husband and I took our baby to go see a movie at the drive-in theater in Ennis. Our nine month old nursed and slept most of the movie and I wasn’t worried about bothering anybody. It was really fun and worth the drive!

    • I love the drive-in theater! We tried when my son was about 1 and it pretty much failed, but I’ve always thought it would be such a great option for younger babies that will just sleep the whole time!

  2. I was really hoping this article would say, “bring your baby out for drinks!” … le sigh, ok jk. but seriously, I need some relaxing adult time but baby is too young for the sitter. thanks for the ideas anyways 🙂 


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