Family Separation Anxiety


As a working mom sometimes I have to travel.  I don’t mind it as it comes with the territory, but sometimes my travel schedule becomes a little hectic.  For example, my next two weeks look like this:

  • Monday and Tuesday- in the office
  • Wednesday thru Saturday-New Orleans Conference
  • Sunday-home
  • Monday-Thursday-San Antonio Conference
  • Friday-office.

Can anyone say yikes?  Well…I can and I’m pretty sure my sweet one year old will when she realizes her mommy will be away for practically two weeks.  You’re probably thinking a number of things 1.) She’s crazy 2.) How will her husband handle the baby for two weeks alone? 3.) She’s crazy! AND yes, we’re thinking those things too, but we’ve come up with some ways to make it work that I thought would be worth sharing to anyone who might have separation from their kiddo coming up.

 1. Download Skype.  Nothing is better than actually getting to see your sweet loved ones while you’re away. If you don’t have access to this, be sure to have daily phone calls around the same time.  We have plans to make them in the morning and at night around wake up time and bed time so she knows her mommy loves her to pieces and wants her to have a good day and a good night with sweet dreams.

2. Do what you can to help Mr. Mom. I plan to lay out as many outfits as necessary for the two weeks I’ll be away.  This will make the morning easier for my hubby and ensure that my daughter will look amazing.  Matt’s not the best when it comes to picking clothes for our sweet girl….see picture below from the first time she stayed solo with him compared to her typical newborn attire.

  •   I’ve also stocked our fridge and baby cabinet full of anything C could possibly need it the two weeks I’ll be gone.  Which will make life easier on Matt—going to the store with a kiddo is a pain!
  •   Make sure to cover “the basics” like “don’t give Caroline an entire chicken finger…” and stuff like that.  Even though they know the basics in the back of their mind, a two week solo dad routine might cause panic forgetfulness.

3. Give Mr. Mom resources for a break!  There are these AWESOME businesses called “Drop in Play Care” and I’ve pre-registered Caroline so Matt can go have a drink with a friend or just have a couple of hours to himself.  This is a win-win for everyone!

4. Be sure to show some appreciation to each other. While I understand that Matt is making the ultimate sacrifice of being Mr. Mom for two weeks while I travel, he knows that I’m sacrificing time away from my family and appreciates that I’m willing to do that for us.  Being open about what each other is doing for the family is important and “Words of Affirmation” is my number one love language so I need him to tell me he appreciates me or I get cranky!


Full time working momVanessa lives and works in Irving with her husband Matt and daughter Caroline. She spends her days as a Corporate Communications Manager and her nights as a full time mommy and story-teller. Motherhood was a big surprise but she is loving every minute of it!


  1. This is some great advice, Vanessa. I’ll be leaving my hubby with out little girl just for a weekend a time or two this fall- so you have some good points. Thanks for sharing…and good luck!

  2. Wow… that IS a hectic schedule! Great ideas! I will use these when I go with my sister for a week in London… or maybe Paris this coming spring! I’m SO excited!


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