We're reaching the end of summer, and we only have two play dates left before school begins again. We hope this means we'll get to meet more of you as our play dates wind down! Join us for our next Summer...
Someone recently suggested that we stop calling marriage hard and, instead, use the word “challenging” because, "two people building a new life together shouldn’t be hard…" Excuse me? Taking two different people with different family backgrounds with their own hang-ups and baggage...
Marriage. Never has something been so fiercely contested, passionately fought for or against, desperately sought or avoided, or been the topic of such desperate heart ache.   Yet five years in, marriage is maybe starting to make sense. And by make sense...
Sometimes the best ideas are so obvious and simple. In this case, my husband and I were trying to find a sitter and dinner reservation for the over-hyped and prime date event of Valentine's Day. Then it hit me: since I...
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage! But what happens to the marriage after baby arrives?  As moms, we focus so much attention on our children and make sure they have only the best! Safety....
I love vacations.  I really, really do.  I start planning, thinking about, and preparing for our vacation months in advance.  I dream of lying by the pool, sleeping in, quiet dinners out, and restful afternoons catching up on cooking...
Last week, my doctor uttered those two words no pregnant woman wants to hear: bed rest. With my first pregnancy, I was on bed rest for 5.5 weeks due to high blood pressure. This time I thought I was in...
We've had several mommas share their natural child birth experiences here on the blog before.  I shared mine on my personal blog here.  But what we didn't cover in detail was the difference in care you get from going...
Hey Moms! Don't Forget!  Registration is Now Open for the following DMB Playgroup events. . . You’re invited to join us for a FREE Cooking Demonstration with Tara, owner of Half Pint Palates on Tuesday, July 23 at 11am! Tara Anderson is a mom, a wife, a chef...
One thing that amazes me as the mom of a little boy is how naturally he seems to be drawn to things that go 'vroom. I'm sure I had some influence over that, but the sheer number of cars...
This post has been sponsored by Harmony Prenatal Test. At Dallas Moms Blog, we do not have an opinion whether prenatal testing should or should not be done; however, we're sharing one story of a contributor who chose testing...
A few weeks ago on a Saturday night, my husband and I were sitting on the couch trying to decide what to do for the evening. We were bored and looking to do something different but have been trying...

