Siobhan Fitzpatrick

Siobhan Fitzpatrick (a.k.a. The Law Mother) is a mom, business lawyer, and writer. With no legalese and a lot of humor, she answers a broad range of legal, career, and parenting questions on her blog The Law Mother . She is mom to four girls, Caitriona (16), Cara (13), Kelsey (11), and Claire (7). You can find her on Facebook and Instagram @TheLawMother.
kids watching video

5 YouTube Stars You will Want Your Kids to Follow

I have a love/hate relationship with YouTube. Love the endless supply of free, high-quality educational content for my kids. Hate the app’s autoplay feature, which allows the app to continually feed algorithmically curated videos to my...

3 No-Fail Tips to Get the Kids Out the Door on Time

Trying to get anywhere with kids is challenging. But add in the extra pressure of getting there by a specified time? Near impossible. Here are 3 no-fail tips to get your kids out the door...

{microblog} Reflecting on a Year of In-Person School

Is there anything sweeter than kindergarten best friends? My little girl loves her bestie. They laugh at each other’s jokes. They surreptitiously check out each other’s latest L.O.L. dolls, the toys safely hidden in their...

Texas Travel :: Big Bend National Park

Texas’ gift to the nation is an apt description for Big Bend National Park. I first fell in love with the area on a high school camping trip for Dr. Joe Kuban's ecology studies class....

What Running a 5K a Day for a Year Taught Me

A year ago the world shutdown and I hit the ground running. And by running, I mean literally running. A lot of running. A Forrest Gump level of running. With the gyms closed, I decided to...

Finding Your Virtual Tribe through Facebook Groups

It took a few days before I noticed my friends had gone missing. Their constant chatter has been a reassuring presence in my life for 5 years. When I spent 2 ½ years with a...

4 Ways to Help Siblings with a Wide Age Gap Stay Connected

Standing in the grocery store checkout line with your 4 kids, a rambunctious group of siblings, and a 10-year age gap that separates the oldest from the youngest, will get you a lot of...

An Introverted Mom’s Guide to Surviving Pandemic Parenting

Anxiety makes us bad decision-makers. Pandemic-related anxiety caused me to make a doozy of a bad decision last March. I converted my home office into a bedroom, and converted the family den into a home office. It...

4 Fun Ways to Enjoy Dallas’ Vibrant Arts Scene While Social Distancing

Embrace a good mess. My parenting mantra for 2020. Anyone who knows me in real life may find that statement out of character. I am a Type A, sweat-all-the-little-details type of gal. Make my bed first...

10 Best 90s Movies to Watch with Your Kids, Tweens, and Teens

When I was your age… Has there ever been a kid who didn’t roll her eyes at the utterance of those words? My 4 girls are no exception. I spent my high school and college years in...

What Parents Need to Know About Learning Pods

It’s 8:40 a.m. on a recent Thursday morning. Here’s what’s going on in my house. My kindergartener is at the breakfast table, singing the “Days of the Week” song (to the tune of The Addams...

Votes for Women: Fun and Easy Kid Activities to Celebrate the 19th Amendment

“Don’t forget to be a good boy.” A predictable “momism” we utter without thinking every time we drop our kids off for a playdate or school or leave them with a sitter. “Being good” meaning...