Top 5 Organizational Tips for Families


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School season is upon us, and we are all looking for ways to keep our family organized and on the same page. These top five organizational tips for families to use — and they’re simple!

A woman presses a button on Alexa device.1. Talk to Alexa

My favorite tool by far for family organization is the Alexa app and devices. There’s the Alexa Dot, the Echo Show 5, Echo Glow, and several others to choose from.

We keep all of our important lists on the app and can communicate with her anywhere in the house and car. Yes, we have an Alexa in the car! Our lists include all of our shopping destinations, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Kroger, Home Depot, etc. Our kids know that as soon as you use something up in the house, add it to the list if you want it replaced.

My husband and I each have a to-do list on the app, and we add to each others list — not that I would ever do that 😉  Moms know that feeling of walking around the house and thinking of something you need to do or pick up at the store and you don’t want to forget! Just tell Alexa, and she will save it for you.

2. Family Calendar

As a family, we all use the calendar on our iPhones. We have one main calendar for things that involve all of us, and then separate calendars for personal use. Everyone knows to check the family calendar first before making any other plans!

My oldest is starting high school this year, so I have been inviting him to events that I schedule, such as his doctor and dentist appointments. He gets an alert on his phone once it’s scheduled. He created a school calendar for due dates and invited me to view it. I can see when his tests, quizzes, and projects are due.

When school starts back up and we begin receiving all the calendars, I immediately enter in all the important dates. Sometimes you get lucky and organizations have you subscribe to their calendar, which makes it so much easier!

>> RELATED READ :: My Rules for an Organized Mom <<

3. Paper and Fridge Calendar

My work life is organized on a good ol’ fashioned paper calendar that I keep on my desk. As a high school history teacher, I like the space it provides me to plan and write lessons for months at a time. If something work-related is scheduled outside of work hours, then I will add it to our family digital calendar.

We have a younger son who doesn’t use the digital calendars yet, so I keep a fridge calendar that I update each month for all of our activities.

4. Toss Out Junk

This is a tough one. It is so easy to toss stuff into a pile for “later.” Don’t get me wrong. Do I keep sentimental things for far too long? Absolutely. But I also grab the mail and immediately put it into recycling.

If it is something important, I immediately put it in our office. When kids bring papers home, I immediately sort through it. Keeping up with the paper load coming in the house helps keep me sane!

A paper calendar with a sticky note on it.5. Notes, Notes, and More Notes

As a teacher, I have an odd obsession with sticky notes. They are my lifeline.

On my paper calendar at work, I keep a sticky note of things that need to be done that day. Then at the end of the day, I grab the sticky note and take it home with me. There’s nothing better than marking everything off your to do list each day!


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