Jordan Canafax

Jordan is currently a stay-at-home momma to 4 darling little people ages 4 and under (including a new set of twins that arrived in October 2018). With a master's degree in speech language pathology, she enjoys trying to make them talk with her all day long. Jordan and her ruggedly handsome hubby get their crew outside any chance they get and love daydreaming together about moving to the mountains.

Be Their Calm

Looming, it towers; casting a chilly shadow. A monster wave of desire unmet. Instead of reaching for the buoyant boat of self-control, a tiny human will tugs the monster down, relishing in the momentary...

“Let’s Try Again” :: My New Parenting Motto

I walked by at precisely the right moment. A young mother was crouched down next to her very young daughter on the sidewalk. It quickly registered they were discussing misbehavior. “Now stand up and let’s...

The Hope We Have at Home

I have so many feelings, sitting down to write this to you. Our world, like literally the whole world, is reeling. Invisible invaders are on the move. I am more confused than fearful –...

What’s For Dinner? 5 Easy and Delicious Rotisserie Chicken Recipes

Rotisserie chicken is a dinner all-star at our house. While they are a bit of a splurge, they cut down on meal prep and add wonderful flavor. I love that you can serve it...

Emergency Room Lessons: Mom to Mom

Heavy emotions tag along uninvited: fear, failure, panic, sadness, exhaustion. The whole sequence of events leading up to your arrival is a blur and you are left gasping. As a mother, one of the...

Mom-Friendly Workouts for Getting Back in the Groove

I started running in college. My exercise-induced asthma made me slow and my stride was not natural or graceful, but I loved it. When my husband and I were dating, I talked him into...

3 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Giving {Instead of Just Receiving}...

It was the day after Halloween and somehow my two preschoolers had already devoured the entire Amazon and Target holiday toy catalogs. Wish lists ensued. Endless questions and talk of  gadgets they “had to...

First Year Survival Guide :: Twin Edition

My darling twins turned one last month. The discovery of these two came as an absolute {delightful} shock to us at our first doctor’s appointment; twins were nowhere on our radar. Their presence turned...

Baby 101 :: How to Really Get the Boogers Out

Cold/flu season, it’s here {gasp}! If you are a new mama, you likely have the urge to huddle under a blanket in the living room with your baby for the next six months until...

Birth Story :: Joining the One Percent

Check out our Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Guide! Sudden motion; orderly panic. Bed wheels start whirling, masked oxygen is hissing in, beeping and wires are everywhere. The anesthesiologist is trying to tell me something, but...

An Interview with the Dads of Dallas

This post is about dads, but before we get there I’d like us to start by remembering that before they became fathers they became our husbands (or the person we fell in love with)....

A Call to Confident Parenting

Today I have four children ages 4, almost 3 and twins that are 9 months. Just the other day I took them all out alone. This is rare for us as we have intermittent...