This Pandemic Has Taught Me…Homeschooling is for Us.


Recently, a good friend stated on Facebook that “not everyone is having the same experience” during this pandemic and that is so incredibly true.

Some people are finding ways to connect with family while others are just trying to find food. It’s been a bittersweet couple of months for us in The Reed Household. I’ve learned a lot about myself, marriage, family, and community.

I wanted to share a few of those things with you all because – honestly – it is my hope that someone would comment and just say, “I get you girl”. It’s a community. I desperately crave it in any form I can get it, so here it goes:

First, we are not designed for social distancing.

I say we, but I’m speaking of me first. This is the most awkward time of my life. As the state is beginning to reopen, I feel senses of stress pop up at the thought of going out to be normal again. Social media is okay when it’s an option, but not when it’s all we have.

Next, we realized that Homeschooling is for us.

Now this one is a big one so bare with me. I was that mom that was a “never“ on homeschooling. Last year I quit my job and became a full-time content creator. Life shifted and I just knew it was time but I kept my kids in school. I needed the time they were there to transition home and to figure out life.

After this pandemic started and I was thrown into homeschooling, I was stressed out at first. I frequently said, “I don’t know how moms do this!” I thought a few weeks would go by and normalcy would start again.

Then, a few months passed. I went through every emotion possible. I was sad, happy, excited, stressed out, panicked, full of anxiety, and more. Once my emotions settled and I found a new rhythm I did more research on homeschooling. I realized this was a much better way to do things for our family. My friend recommended I read the book Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child With Confidence by Jamie Erickson and that solidified it for me. She was speaking my language and helped me identify my fears.

Without the pandemic, I’m not sure I would have ever explored homeschooling as an option. I literally did not think it was for me and I was very vocal about it. I’m not saying this to convince anyone of homeschooling. I think we each have a journey, a path to walk down and my path lead me here. It’s scary, unknown, but I’m brave. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. Taking one day at a time.

The pandemic taught me that I can be the best teacher for my children and I desperately crave what I once saw as an option — community. I miss going to the mall, church or having brunch with my girlfriends. I miss going on random family trips or to the movies with my husband. The things I took for granted are so very evident, but this too shall pass.

If you’re also looking at the possibility of homeschooling, here’s a few additional resources that might help from and City Mom Collective:

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Outside of her avocado toast and sweet tea addiction, Bridgette Reed enjoys writing and creating engaging content for moms and wives. She is a Michigan native that relocated to the Dallas area in 2010. She then met and fell in love with her husband Deon. After getting married in 2013, they birthed their miracle baby Olivia (2016) and now Josiah (2018). She started a stationery company name Olivia Sophia Stationery ( in honor of her first miracle baby. This was her way of spreading the love, joy and inspiration this little person brought into their lives. Bridgette also has a mom blog at Doing Life with Bridgette where she shares her journey of building a family and running a small paper company. Bridgette is very active on social media where she shares her passions for marriage, family, faith and business!


  1. I’m so happy you’ve found homeschooling to be a good fit for your family. If you enjoy it now, just wait until you can do field trips, enrichment co-ops and travel to places you are studying. It’s the best! I homeschooled all three of mine and also loved it. Hardest most rewarding job ever, like being a mom. One of mine is a physician’s assistant, one is a CPA and runs the family business and the third is a law student.. I’m proud of their accomplishments but mostly proud of what kind of humans they are, and blessed by how close our family is. The friendships we formed during those years are still part of our lives to this day. Enjoy your journey!


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