The 4 Types of Friends {Every Mom Needs}


Sometimes life gets busy, and it’s all little league games, helping with homework, or trying to fit the latest house project in when you can. Despite how crazy things can get, it is important we have friends to ground us, lift us up, and remind us that we aren’t in this alone. It can be hard to keep up with friends and we may not get to see them as often as we’d like but these friends are so very important for keeping us sane. Some of us find several of these characteristics in one or two friends, and some have a tribe, but one thing is for certain, there are a few types of people we need in our lives and also that we hope to be for someone else.

Here are the 4 types of friends every mom needs:


The Texter
We all need that one friend that we may not see often but we have a steady texting relationship with. You text about everything from your crazy in-laws, to saying you will lose your mind if you have to watch one more YouTube video with your kid. You have a meme bond like no other, and in fact many times they are all your texts consists of. Moms are busy by nature and we don’t always get to see those we would like too, but this friend quite possibly knows you better than many.

The Validator
This friend is empathetic and knows that sometimes all you need is an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. She has the ability to listen to you without deciding what her advice will be before you are done speaking. She let’s you know she or others have been there before and it’s okay to be sad, mad, or even crazy. Let’s face it, motherhood is hard and sometimes it’s nice to vent without being judged.

The Reliable One
This friend is the one you can call to pick up child number one when child number two has come down with a stomach bug out of nowhere. She’s just a phone call or text away to meet you at the coffee shop when both of you are enjoying mother’s day out. You trust her with your babies because you know she treats them like her own. This particular type of friend, is often a family member, but whether you are related or not, you are lucky if you have one!

The Wild Card
We all need that friend we can let loose with. Whether your idea of a wild and crazy night is a netflix binge with cookie dough ice cream or a swanky wine bar, this friend is down. She is not uptight, and she is always up for a good time. She is a fun time whether the night’s dress code is yoga pants or skinny jeans. She is always good for reminding you that we aren’t just moms, but people who deserve to let their hair down too.



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