Life Coach for Parents, Teens, and Young Adults

Dallas, TX, USA
1502 Marilla Street Dallas Texas 75201 US

A teen’s journey is full of unique challenges that trigger feelings of stress, insecurity, loneliness, and fear. While some girls handle these experiences with strength and resilience, others struggle.

Similarly, many parents of teens experience stress, worry, fear, and questions about how to guide their teen through this exciting, yet challenging stage. They may offer their daughter support and advice, but it can go unnoticed or be met with defiance and rejection.

I can help.

My personalized coaching programs support teens in building confidence, achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and gaining a sense of purpose and direction.

My parent coaching programs provide a fresh perspective, new approaches, and practical solutions to the unique challenges that arise when parenting teens.

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EricaRoodLifeCoach.jpg 3 years ago
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