As a stay-at-home AND work-at-home mom, on most days I have a greater chance of seeing the parents on Max and Ruby or a hair on Caillou’s head than I do of having a meaningful conversation with an adult. So how...
**This post has been sponsored by Apparent Insurance to bring you this experience.  All opinions are 100% our own!** The day has come. Your teen has passed their driver’s test and is ready to take to the Texas roads. And...
“Hi, my name is Andrea, and I am a three.” This would be my preferred way for us all to begin conversations. If you know the enneagram, this will help you tremendously know about me and how I operate. And...
My idea of the traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas spent with my husband and family went out the window when I married my husband, a first year medical school student, almost five years ago. Figuring out how to split the...
This post has been sponsored by Apparent Insurance. All opinions are 100% our own. Let's start with a frank statement: Insurance is not, like, a fun topic. It's confusing and frustrating at best. But what if it didn't have to...
Transitioning to motherhood was one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced. I’ll never forget week one of my firstborn son’s life.  I felt a sense of tiredness not comparable to anything I had ever known.  My emotions soared from...
My three children have a baby big sister. If that is hard for you to comprehend, imagine the dilemma of having to explain it to my three under three.  Before I had my twin boys, and my second daughter, I...
  Toys. Whether you're like me and consider them a necessary evil or love every single one, I think anyone with kids can agree that they tend to take over the house. While I want my home to be a...
Today I have four children ages 4, almost 3 and twins that are 9 months. Just the other day I took them all out alone. This is rare for us as we have intermittent help and I usually wait...
This post has been sponsored by Apparent Insurance. All opinions are 100% our own! My goal-planning actually begins in December. Every year, I take the whole month to think about where we are as a family. My husband and I...
There’s this motivational quote meme, often attributed to Banksy, going around that goes something like this, “If you’re tired, learn to rest. Not to quit.” Every time I read it, I find it bothersome. Sure, resting instead of quitting...
I love all things Christmas. Decorations, cookies, Santa, tiny kids recreating the Nativity scene, Christmas pageants, red and green and blue and sparkles and glitter and carols and reindeer. The one thing I don't love about this season? Gift...

