Marcella Savala-Hamilton is my mom and a former Bilingual Education Specialist with Dallas Independent School District. I wanted to interview her to be able to give tips on how non-bilingual parents can incorporate Spanish, or any other language, at...
Moming is hard! SO many different experiences, options, choices, and decisions to make for some little person who depends on you. Moming as a black mom is extremely hard. Culturally there are a different set of worries and norms...
My best friend and I saw Won't You Be My Neighbor recently, and we were both incredibly moved by the entire documentary. I pray all the time that my child will be the kindest kid in the room, but I...
  Toys. Whether you're like me and consider them a necessary evil or love every single one, I think anyone with kids can agree that they tend to take over the house. While I want my home to be a...
There is no sugar-coating this, co-parenting can be messy and it is hard. Co-parenting with an ex is probably one of the biggest sacrifices you will make as a parent and the truest act of love because you do...
I love all things Christmas. Decorations, cookies, Santa, tiny kids recreating the Nativity scene, Christmas pageants, red and green and blue and sparkles and glitter and carols and reindeer. The one thing I don't love about this season? Gift...
I drove by a bus stop the other morning and I noticed EVERY SINGLE CHILD was looking at their cell phones. In our house we are SUPER strict with cell phone use because I work for a local non...
My kids probably won’t be devouring any chocolate Easter eggs this year. It’s not because they are lactose intolerant. It’s not because I’m the "all-natural, no sugars added" mom (although I’d love to say that I am). And it’s...
  Texas High School Football is here! The boys of fall have worked hard in the summer heat and are ready to hit the stadium under those Friday Night Lights. The band has practiced to perfection. The cheerleaders are armed with...
It was only 10:30 a.m., but it had already been a trying day. We were on our second pair of big-girl panties and our third trip to time-out. We had done battle over chips for breakfast (I won) and Wizard of Oz for the umpteenth time...
With the flip-top wooden desks and lack of computers or iPads, you could easily mistake my daughter's classical school for something out of the 1950s. But it's not a longing for the good old days that motivated my husband...
As the ideal parents we are, we all want our children to have blissful memories of the holidays. As a single parent, I worry that my child will be scarred for life. And this time of year especially, the guilt...

