As the holidays approach I find there is a topic that weighs heavily on me, I have no home base and it feels pretty awful. It feels especially bad because I used to, and I know the joy and peace...
My little boy just had his fourth birthday this past Friday, and I knew we needed to celebrate him with friends, family, and fun. I'm pretty good at making my kids feel celebrated and special, but I'll be honest:...
This post has been sponsored by OnTech Smart Solutions. All opinions are 100% our own.  The basic concepts of managing the home haven't changed much in the last hundred years. Whether you and your spouse split the responsibilities or one...
No more scrambling around, trying to think of the perfect birthday present. Here's a list of gifts guaranteed to please! Do you have any home-run gift ideas to share? Leave a comment! I've had great luck with these electronic piggy...
A few weeks ago, Jenny mentioned some of her favorite bloggers that she's enjoyed following and reading throughout the years, but I've found blogs can do more than just help me avoid the laundry during nap time. (Anyone else think nap...
I always thought I was one of the lucky ones -- a mom whose kid would eat practically anything. And then, toddlerhood happened. It started innocently enough, with a closer examination of the things he was putting in his mouth....
It’s hot y’all. It’s summer in Dallas, and it is HOT. You would think with a lifetime of living in this city, I'd be used to the blazing Texas heat, but every July it hits me hard. I find...
Last weekend I decided it was time to de-clutter.  I found a few random toys, a comforter, some clothes (a few with tags still attached), and most of a box of pull-ups that my daughter would never again (thankfully)...
Dallas Moms Blog is excited to partner with Dallas metroplex The Little Gym locations for a weekly sponsored series on children’s health and fitness! Spring will be upon us shortly in Texas. In an effort to get ahead of the...
We are starting a new series celebrating influential bloggers that happen to reside right here in the Dallas area. We are suckers for moms with style, beautiful pictures, and a way with words that keep us coming back for...
It’s been two years since I packed up my desk and hugged my awesome coworkers goodbye to venture into my role as a stay-at-home mom. To be perfectly honest, that’s a title I’ve only recently come to accept. If...
From media personalities and print writers to leaders and travelers, Dallas-Fort Worth is full of amazing women who have found ways to stand above a crowd.  When we have the opportunity, we're always thrilled to be able to interview some of...

