Over the past 12 months, many of us have found new ways to cope with our "new" lives. (Sourdough anyone?) As we find ourselves in a continued limbo from our previous routine, perhaps you are ready for a new...
This post has been sponsored by Neighbor. All opinions are 100% our own. A few years ago my husband and I purchased a storage shed for the side of our house. It had one purpose -- to store all of...
I turned the TV on around 1pm when it started looking dark outside.  But, you know how it goes, on the TV map it appears as if the storms are pretty far away.  No need to panic.  Sometimes, even...

Mini Corn Dog Bites

It's becoming increasingly hard to find things that my 18-month-old son will eat. My once-fearless eater has morphed into the picky toddler we all dread. Many a meal has ended as a pile of mush spat from his mouth...
I think one of the reasons we love summer BBQ’s so much is because it’s just good old fashioned fun. There’s nothing fussy about a BBQ. Unlike our winter holidays where we get out the special plates, linen napkins and...
This post has been sponsored by Houseparty. All opinions are 100% our own! We all keep reading the good things coming out of “Stay At Home”. Spend more quality time with your kids, cook home-cooked meals, work on house projects....
I was feeling more stressed out and anxious about in-person school than ever before. Adding to this, were the ever-changing school safety precautions. After a year of virtual learning, my brain was telling me to send my three girls...
I remember a few years ago when my husband and I looked lustfully at the Peloton store in our local mall. The bike seemed so frivolous, so out of reach, and frankly silly at that point in time. Flash...

My Hygge Home

I've been in the process of building a new house for me and my children. Our fresh start. My goal is for this house to be a safe place. A place of love, affection, and warmth as my kids...
I fondly remember nights out with girlfriends toasting fruity pink cocktails in college.  I have precious memories of celebrating engagements and life milestones with my husband and our friends over mixed drinks at our favorite bars. As we have...
Nothing screams summer in Texas during a pandemic like blazing temps and nowhere to go. To say that we're all over this would be the understatement of the millennium. And honestly, sometimes it feels like my family is the only...
Amazon Affiliate Links are used within this post. We appreciate your support! Encouraging kids to start their own business and become a kidpreneur is a fun way to boost creativity and confidence, while also providing priceless life experience. It also...

