Ages + Stages

Topics related to all the ages and stages of childhood

Disclaimer :: This article is sponsored by the SMU Department of Psychology Family Research Center. Calling all teenagers ages 15 – 17. SMU Family Research Center invites you to participate in a virtual reality research project! Southern Methodist University is hosting The...
First of all, some reassurance and then a caveat. The reassurance: as a former homeschooler, I can tell you that we turn out okay. I’m fully socialized. Yes, I often wore my pajamas while I completed my schoolwork each...
Their wings are beginning to spread, and they are ready to take the next step to independence by getting their first job. Not only is it a great way for them to see the essential connection between labor and...
This post has been sponsored by YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas. All opinions are 100% our own. You may be living under a rock if you haven’t either started your search for Dallas summer camps, talked about it with your mom...
What’s a good preschool near me? We hear this all the time! It’s a big decision, of course, and it's important to know your options.
I can't call this anything except "pandemic breastfeeding". I never expected to EBF (exclusively breastfeed).  Had life after baby remained normal, he would have spent time in our church nursery, spent the night with grandparents, and would have experienced...
Summer 2020, quite possibly the craziest summer some of us have ever experienced is coming to a close. I think it’s safe to say that the world is bubbling with anticipation for a change on the horizon with school...
If you're looking for virtual extracurriculars or learning opportunities involving the arts, you'll be pleased to find that Dallas provides quite a few choices! And since virtual classes can be held/attended from anywhere, we've included a couple non-local options,...
Trying to get anywhere with kids is challenging. But add in the extra pressure of getting there by a specified time? Near impossible. Here are 3 no-fail tips to get your kids out the door on time, most of the...
After four kids and 17 years of parenting, I’ve come to realize that the middle school years are the worst. Kids struggle dealing with the one-two punch of intense social and academic pressure. Exhibit A: my middle school daughter. School group...
After changing Halle's crib sheets the other day, I realized how soon it will be when we have to lower the crib! I can't believe it. So, before the bedding is all messed up due to the lower level,...
There's 1 question we frequently get the most at Dallas Moms Blog when it comes to businesses we endorse, and it's usually Why do you talk so much about Kidville in Dallas?  Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, not...




2024 Guide to VBS in Dallas County

We're always on the lookout for things to do with kids during summer break. How about some affordable VBS?