If the kitchen really is the heart of our homes then why don’t more moms enjoy being in it and preparing great meals? If your kitchen is like mine, it looks like a land mine explosion any given minute of the day....
Although Casey and I shared the same OB-GYN and delivered at the same hospital, not everything about our firstborn's births were the same. We had totally different experiences and of course have totally different opinions. Here's a little Q&A...
We're giving away 6 FREE Dallas ZOO Tickets over at our Facebook Page! Comment on the status about the GIVEAWAY to win! So you're on the go w/the munchkins in-tow, running from one place to the next w/no time to...
Our next Playgroup is meeting this Friday, May 27 at Norbuck Park in the Lake Highlands area at 11 am. Bring a friend, lunch, coffee, or just your kid (or even just yourself if you are preggers), but be...
I dropped the ball this morning as a dad. Halle was crying at 6:15 AM (Of course you know it was AM, who cares about a PM story- AM stories are the ones that harden us and make us stare...

Snapshot Saturday

Lauren got to spend a week at the beach with her family...and working on a mean sunburn! Halle and I went out after the rain for her nightly swing, only to be brought in by the mosquitos. Next week we'll...
I’m a Texas girl and therefore like my beef. You will never overhear me telling someone about the all veggie dish I prepared for my family. However, I do understand that red meat should be served sparingly and in an effort...
Speaking of summer, don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY- 6 FREE  Baby Boot Camp classes with Melanie! The deadline is tonight at midnight! Enter here. Anybody else have a love/hate relationship with that Grease Classic? Anyway... Looking for ways to have...
  Today we were featured on ParkGrades Blog! Go check out my "Two Cents" here! ParkGrades.com is a great resource for parks (and tons of other activities) across the country. You can find parks anywhere, and read reviews before you go....
I fell in love with the Dallas Farmers Market back when I was pregnant with Kyler. Where  else can you go to satisfy cravings for fresh mango, watermelon, tamales, and snow-cones all in one place? Now, we frequent this...
Don't forget that we have an awesome GIVEAWAY this week! 6 classes to Baby Boot Camp- read the details here.   Have you ever walked into a meeting with C-Level executives, reached into your purse for a business card...
Get excited about our 2nd GIVEAWAY here at DMB! This one should get you fired up, especially with summer right around the corner! Melanie Fox, with Baby Boot Camp North Dallas/Richardson, is giving away 6 Baby Boot Camp classes...

