A few months ago, my 4 year old daughter experienced her first 5K run with her uncle. He pushed two kiddos in a double stroller, so awesome! Then, a few weeks later, she asked me if we could run another...
Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with Huggies Little Movers for this post. While we didn't receive monetary compensation, we did receive free diapers in exchange for this post...after all, what mama wouldn't turn down free diapers?! But we want...
A couple weekends ago, my 3.5 year old daughter was sick. She had been running a pretty decent fever, teetering between 102 and 103, and we were managing with tylenol, ibuprofen, cool compresses and lots of rest. While she seemed...
Dallas Moms Blog is excited to bring you this post from Choctaw Casinos Durant. Arena was provided a free night's stay in order to provide this review and recommendation for an easy family vacation close to home.  Growing up in...

A DIY Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially here! I've been dreaming of long summer days for weeks now. But if your family is anything like mine, once the "new" wears off, summer can get kind of boring. My toddler is definitely a get-out-of-the-house...
While we were waiting for our table at brunch last weekend I noticed this sweet Grandmother trying to play with her granddaughter.  But she was having a rough time.  "No, don't give her that, she doesn't need that."  "Put...
I know, I know………School is officially out for the summer, but it’s not too early to be thinking about back to school if you have a new little one starting Kindergarten in the Fall.  While knowing your ABC's and...
If you are reading this, then there is a very good chance that you are a parent. That being said, there is also a very good chance that many of you are step-parents. Statistics show that one in two...
I love social media. I never rarely post anything interesting and worthy of "likes", but it's an excellent information gathering tool for me. My nerd side loves the the real-time information and news that gets fed into the palm...
While this post was sponsored by Vacay Foods, Dallas Moms Blog was excited to provide you with the information below to help you make the most out of your next family vacation to Florida. After all, who wants to...
Fatherhood. It’s a wonderful, magical, rewarding thing. It’s also really freaking weird. And while all that wonderful-magical stuff would probably make for a fairly heartwarming post, I’m going to go ahead and focus on the weird because… well because. Now I...
Finding a cool Father's Day gift that little kids can make can be daunting.  This particular project was inspired by a tee my daughter had that said "Rad Like Dad" in washi tape-inspired lettering.  My husband LOVED that shirt and...

