We are beyond thrilled to announce our 6th DFW Mom’s Night Out!!  Last Spring, Texas tried to spoil our fun by throwing in one random 40 degree night putting a freeze on our wonderfully planned Watters Creek event.  Since then, all...
I love planning birthday parties, but I also love saving money, and typically those things don't go hand in hand. Pinterest makes mamas feel like they have to go above and beyond with party planning and spend a fortune,...
This event has sold out! Please stay tuned for more play dates in the future! Your first pediatric dental appointment can be scary! Dallas Moms Blog has partnered with My Kids DDS to take parents (and kids) through a pediatric dental...
It's Saturday evening. A quick scan of my Facebook feed reveals an interesting new music video by Colbie Callait. (Watch it below if you haven’t already.) The tune I can’t get out of my head chants: You don't have to try,...
I'm a bonafide city slicker, but sometimes I just crave an open space; a place to run around and be one with nature.  Raising a three-year-old boy has made me further realize it's good to get out of the...
At the beginning of a 3 hour road trip, my 7 year old cried out, and I turned to see his nose gushing blood.  It was the nosebleed of the century, and it caught me totally unprepared.  I leapt...
Nothing will make a mom stop dead in her tracks like the first time she hears her own words echoed by her kid.   I'll never forget when my 4 year old niece said "I look so fat in...
As a life-long art-lover and former elementary art teacher, I try to take every opportunity to teach my daughter about art. Some of this is through art projects at home, but I really love to take her out to...
Something that I hope to instill in my daughters is a love for being active. My kids don’t need to grow up to be the fastest runners or the best soccer players, but I want activity and fitness to...
One of the things on our summer bucket list this year was finding a blueberry farm where we could pick our own berries. My toddler loves any kind of fruit, so I knew this would be the perfect outing...
My family just returned from a three-day getaway to our favorite local water park at the Gaylord Texan. There's a chance that you may not have even known that the Gaylord had a water park. Since it's one of...
In the last five years, this mama has had her fair share of flying with kids. With our relatives split between California and Texas, we make the nearly cross country trek at least twice annually. My family has experienced mechanical...

